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Career, Economics

Why to Enrol in A Master’s in Economics Program with Finance Specialization? – Fascinating Career Path Ahead

An economy cannot be stable without a well-functioning financial sector. Over the years, due to various national and international events including the ongoing pandemic that hit financial sector badly, the working of it has become more complex.  To ensure efficient functioning of the financial sector, it needs well-equipped and trained professionals who can handle tricky tasks. Mainly, financial data analysts are now in high demand. These analysts are expected to have sufficient knowledge of the sector along with the overall economy and to be equipped with the skills of understanding as well as building models that would ensure financial securities to be traded at optimal prices and financial transactions to be done in the most efficient way.

These professionals, depending on their job profiles, may also need to create portfolio of profit generating financial assets that also bear lower risk factors. In this data driven world, an analyst needs to make use of a clever combination of mathematical, statistical, and analytical tools to comprehend the task of determining optimal prices of various financial assets, creating optimal investment portfolios, analyzing risk-return trade off of various assets, and so on. The branch of study that makes you efficient in doing this can be a Master’s degree in Economics with specialization in financial economics that covers the areas of corporate finance, investments and/or banking.

What does a master’s program in economics with specialization in finance exactly intend at?

It is a prerequisite to go through appropriate training and guidance to comprehend the changing structure of financial markets and gain proper skills to act as financial analysts. A perfectly structured master’s program in economics that offers specialization in financial economics helps to become an efficient financial analyst.  This program makes one learn the application of diverse theoretical models to wide range of data using appropriate analytical tools and analyze those data. For example, a student enrolled in this program is expected to develop the skill of optimal price setting for financial assets, build the efficiency in risk analysis and devising risk management techniques in relation portfolio management for investors. Thus, this program helps in honing the skill of efficient financial decision making by developing a sound understanding of the theories and their applications in this field. 

Is this program a right choice for shaping up your career path?

  • Do you want to be trained in financial economics?
  • Do you have adequate prior knowledge of economics and basic mathematical skills?

Then, this specialization in Master’s in Economics program is the right choice if you want to have the best advanced education in the area of financial economics.

The students that are the most suitable for this Master’s programme-

  • Must be ambitious to learn the modern finance.
  • Must be comfortable with the application of quantitative tools, and be eager to solve real-life financial problems.
  • Must be interested in discussing business cases and their implications.

A well-structured program makes you ready for jobs in the domain of of risk management, asset-liability management and research and analytics in national and international financial markets.

Career path ahead as a financial analyst:

While a strong financial system is a perquisite for a well-functioning economy, a financial system performs well only when efficient decisions are made and calculative moves are undertaken at every step.  Financial analysts play crucial roles in this respect as these professionals possess the skill of applying appropriate analytical tools to the raw data available for making intelligent decisions in businesses.

You can act as a good financial analyst only if you have a strong educational background in this field. Besides, it would not also be tough to say that these professionals having such skills tend to get lucrative remunerations from their jobs. With a Master’s in Economics with specialization in Finance, you develop the skill to build your career in the financial and banking sectors as professionals in the areas of financial research and analytics, financial and bank risk management as quantitative analysts.

The demand for good analysts do not come from the banking industry only, but also from a wide variety of asset management firms, exchanges, regulators and various other firms operating in the financial sector.

One does not need to be very strong in mathematics or statistics if you wish to make your career as a financial analyst, but you can still gain the required expertise to become a good financial analyst if you enrol yourself in a well-structured PG program in Economics with a specialization in Finance.

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