Adamas University is going to organize ANVESHAN- Student Research Convention, an initiative of AIU on 17th and 18th January 2025.
Career, Engineering & Technology

School of Engineering and Technology: Striding with Excellence

The School of Engineering and Technology (SOET) at Adamas University is esteemed for its high-end delivery of engineering education, robust infrastructure in the form of well-equipped laboratories with equipment and courses designed for the holistic development of an individual. SOET had ranked among the top Engineering schools in Bengal and East India in the Times Engineering Survey 2019.

The School has an enormous experience in imparting engineering education and has six Departments: Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Bio-Medical Engineering. The School currently offers B.Tech, BCA, B.Sc in Computer Science, MCA, M.Tech and Doctoral Programs. Apart from the regular UG and PG programs offered by the School, new cutting edge specialized and new generation programs were introduced in the year 2020 in emerging areas like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), IoT and Embedded Systems, Gaming and Animation, Cyber Security and Forensics and Robotics. The School emphasizes on the development of competent skills among its students in order to make them industry ready. To achieve this objective, the Specialization programs are clubbed with Project Based Learning in big ticket areas like Autonomous Electric Vehicles, Aerial Robotics, Smart City, Design Thinking, etc.

The Project based study approach is accomplished through the following innovative techniques:

  1. Beautiful Mind: It is a parallel learning system in which the students learn all by themselves. Here the resources for learning the technical concepts are the laboratories with equipment, library and internet facility only. The learning is based on the development of projects in a specific domain. This helps the students to learn outside their curriculum.
  2. Design Thinking: This module focuses on innovative methods where students get to learn about various technologies, how to implement them and execute those in real life. It helps to nurture the thinking power of students and lead them to implement innovative ideas for solving the real world problems.
  3. Capstone Projects: These projects have to be undertaken by the students as a part of their curriculum in their academic degree program. They have to choose one of the projects namely Autonomous Electric Vehicle, Smart City, Aerial Robotics, where they learn both the theoretical base of these emerging technologies and hands-on knowledge for implementation.
  4. EQ Labs: Managing one’s emotions while dealing with a group of team members in an organization is of utmost importance. Emotional quotient plays a major role along with Intelligence quotient in grooming a successful manager. This subject covers study of Communication and Collaboration skills, Leadership skills, etiquette and body language etc.
  5. Center of Bio-Computing: This center has been set up mainly for the development of collaborative research or inter-disciplinary research. It provides training in Bio-Computing and support for Bio-Computing projects running under Adamas University.
  6. Center of Waste to Wealth: This center caters to the study of techniques involved in effective waste management to protect our environment and paving the way towards a greener future.

Now, let us have a glimpse of the Programs offered by the various Departments at School of Engineering and Technology at present.

  • The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE): The Computer Science and Engineering Department offers the following academic programs of study:
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in CSE: It is a four year graduation degree program. Here the program covers core and applied courses in Computer Science. The core subjects include subjects such as Programming, Algorithms, Compiler etc. and applied courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Deep Learning etc.

There are three Specialization programs offered under the category of B.Tech in CSE:

  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with Specialization (Hons.) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with Specialization (Hons.) in Cyber Security & Forensics and
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with Specialization (Hons.) in Blockchain

The above mentioned Specialization programs cover the study of advanced subjects in the niche areas, hands-on learning in well-equipped laboratories and opening up of attractive job roles.

  • B.Sc in Computer Science: It is a three year graduation degree program. In this program, the primary focus is on delivering the core theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Science. The subjects covered range from Programming languages, Data Structures, Computer Networks and advanced subjects of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things etc.
  • Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA): It is a three year graduation degree program. Here the program covers core courses of Data Structures, Python Programming, Operating System, Computer Networks etc. The program equips students with Professional skills of Web Designing also. This program also has two specialized streams:
    • BCA with Specialization in Gaming and Animation: This new generation Specialization program offers a perfect blend of core Computer Application and Gaming and Animation. Courses such as Game Development-I and II, Drawing for Animation etc. are offered in the curriculum.
    • BCA with Specialization in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance: This is yet another new generation Specialization program which offers specialized courses of Financial Accounting, Banking and Economy etc.
  • Master of Computer Application (MCA): It is a two year post graduation degree program. Here the students are imparted knowledge and competent skills in Programming, Data Structures, Mobile App development, etc. and a basket of electives such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Game Design and Cloud Storage etc. are offered in the final year of study.
  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in CSE: It is a two year post graduation degree program. The students would learn about the most advanced courses of CSE, paving the path for research and other challenging job roles in Machine Learning, Data Science etc.
  • The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE): The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department offers the following academic programs of study:
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in ECE: It is a four year graduation degree program. Here the program covers the courses in such a way that it encompasses the entire GATE curriculum. Some of the courses taught here are Digital Electronics, Microprocessor and Microcontroller among many others.

There are three Specialization programs offered under the category of B.Tech in ECE:

B.Tech with Specialization (Hons.) in Robotics, B.Tech with Specialization (Hons.) in IoT and Embedded System and B.Tech in ECE with Specialization (Hons.) in Electric Vehicles Engineering. These programs offer the knowledge and competency in cutting edge technologies which equip students with profound skills in these niche areas.

  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in ECE: It is a two year post graduation degree program which equips students to learn about advanced fields of communication and VLSI etc. It offers two areas of Specialization programs: M.Tech in VLSI Design and M.Tech with Specialization in IoT and Embedded System. These programs emphasize on imparting technical and advanced skills in the Specialization areas.
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME): The Mechanical Engineering Department offers the following academic programs of study:
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in ME: It is a four year graduation degree program. The course curriculum has been designed as per the recommendation of Industry Personnel. It covers courses such as Engineering Mechanics, Machine Drawing etc. The Lab infrastructure is robust and equipped with new and modern tools and equipment for experimentation.

There are two Specialization programs offered under the category of B.Tech in ME:

B.Tech in ME with Specialization (Hons.) in Design Engineering, which emphasizes on aspects of Design in System Engineering, Manufacturing and Engineering Management.

B.Tech in ME with Specialization (Hons.) in Electric Vehicles Engineering, which emphasizes on aspects of design and manufacturing of electric vehicles.

  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in ME: It is a two year post graduation degree program. The customized curriculum is inspired by the programs of well-repute offered in universities across the globe.

There is one Specialization program offered under the category of M.Tech in ME:

M.Tech in Design Engineering, which has been designed as per the recommendations of National Design Policy and Indian Design Council encompassing Design enabled Indian industry.

  • The Department of Electrical Engineering (EE): The Electrical Engineering Department offers the following academic programs of study:
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in EE: It is a four year graduation degree program. It offers the aspirants the knowledge on electrical components, devices and systems. It offers stress on special thrust areas such as Electrical Machines and Power Systems, etc. along with related hands-on knowledge.

There are two Specialization programs offered under the category of B.Tech in EE:

B.Tech in EE with Specialization (Hons.) in Sustainable Energy, which imparts knowledge about sustainable energy to build budget-friendly wind turbines and solar panels.

B.Tech in EE with Specialization (Hons.) in Electric Vehicles Engineering, which emphasizes on aspects of design and manufacturing of electric vehicles.

  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Power and Energy Systems: It is a two year post graduation degree program. The well-designed curriculum focuses on concepts and systems related to electric power and energy.
  • The Department of Civil Engineering (CE): The Department of Civil Engineering offers the following academic programs of study:
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in CE: This 4 year graduation degree program offers all the relevant courses as per the industry requirement and it is designed with a great intention of fabricating prominent engineers who are competent and committed to the high professional standards in the arena of engineering and technology. It is embracing of structural Design & Analysis, surveying, geotechnical, environmental, water resource and irrigation, transportation etc. This is basic to any kind of construction as industrial, commercial, residential in general.
  • B.Tech in CE with Specialization (Hons.) in Smart Infrastructure Management: By seeing the current days’ requirement in society, the Department of Civil Engineering has introduced this specialized program that consist of all modernized courses related to Civil Engineering. The courses are as Rural and Urban Planning, Intelligent waste management, Smart materials and infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence in Infrastructure, Intelligent Transportation System.
  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Structural Engineering: Civil Engineering is generally well known for structure and construction. Candidates, who will enroll this course, during 2 years of this program, get awareness about the materials used to design structure and educate individuals on superior concepts of structural engineering through projects and dissertation effort.
  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Environmental Engineering: Students who are fond of advanced course that focus on Environmental challenges and remedial measures can opt this program for 2 years. This program is mainly designed for waste management, Water, Air and Noise pollutions, renewable energy and sustainable development. Research and Development sector mainly recruits candidates from this specialization.
  • Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Construction Engineering and Management: This professional discipline covenants with the designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures. Planning with time management skills is compatible to each other that can helpful to complete a task within time bound. By this specialization, student acquires both Engineering and Management skills.
  • The Department of Bio-Medical Engineering: The Bio-Medical Engineering Department offers the following academic program of study:

Bachelor of Technology in Bio-Medical Engineering: It is a four year graduation degree program. It imparts knowledge on sought after courses of Mathematical Biology, Biochemistry etc. The Computing laboratories are well-equipped with essential software tools and interfacing kits. It offers career paths in computer-assisted surgery, cellular and tissue engineering, orthopedic engineering etc.

Apart from the above mentioned programs, Minor Programs and Doctoral programs are also offered by the departments at SOET. All the programs have been designed according to the needs of industry and based on emerging technologies to match up to the high-end job profiles. The aspirants have a plethora of options to choose from the above well-crafted programs and to be a part of the SOET family. It is the perfect destination for bright future and career building of the aspirants.

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