Adamas University
What Awaits India Post-COVID-19 Lockdown: Analysis
by Prof Ujjwal K Chowdhury
on April 18, 2020
Education One sector that would see a transformation in the post-COVID period is education. Though the current academic year has gone topsy turvy, experts say the Indian education system has the dynamics to absorb disturbances
Mental Health and Lockdown
by Samhita Sanyal
on April 17, 2020
COVID 19 শরীরের পক্ষে কতটা ক্ষতিকারক, তা এতদিনে সবাই জেনে গেছেন। কিন্তু লকডাউন উঠে গেলে দেশ পরবর্তী যে বিপদের মুখে পড়বে, তা হল দীর্ঘ গৃহবন্দী জীবনে জন্মানো একগুচ্ছ মানসিক অসুস্থতা। এমনিতেই মনের অসুখ নিয়ে যথেষ্ট
Challenges In Higher Education Sector
by Abhijitg Giri
on April 17, 2020
Higher education allows one to pursue a career that interests and inspires them. Higher job satisfaction also comes from higher income, better employment benefits, and more advancement opportunities to the young generations. The higher education
“Quantum Computers” – a word that was unheard to most of us even two decades ago has now stimulated the scientific community with a hope to provide breakthroughs in Science, Medicine and Machine Learning etc.
A brief overview about FDM 3D Printers Production sector has always been a cosmic area to explore and ever since the evolution of man-kind, people has been working on the conventional methods like casting, forging
Students and educators all around the world are feeling the extraordinary ripple effect of the coronavirus as schools, colleges and universities shut down amid the public health emergency. Though the world has dealt with other
Adamas University
Corona: The Contrarian View
by Prof Ujjwal K Chowdhury
on April 16, 2020
The entire world is virtually taken by the horns and taken to task as if by an invisible virus from the SARS family, named COVID-19, popularly called Corona Virus, and some 4.5 billion people around
Human Development as a Concept. ‘Every action we take is the result of the way we communicate to ourselves’ If you want something then go ahead, be desperate, let every cell of your body crave
The world is going through an extra-ordinary crisis of unparalleled dimensions and naturally the education sector is no different. Some 540 million students from class 1 to the highest Masters and research levels in India
Society is going through changes during COVID-19 breakdown. It is changing the way of our everyday life. COVID-19 changes our social, physical, emotional, political, economic and environmental situations. As a teacher of Sociology, I can