#LitNext : Pandemic and Literature
by Mukulika Dattagupta
on July 30, 2020
Human history has survived many moments of crisis and natural calamity. Pandemics are one such natural calamity and they are not new in the history of mankind. Many a times they are referred in many
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Physics, while continuing its journey to unravel the mystery of nature since ages, has become one of the most powerful enablers of innovation and discovery through remarkable advancement in the field of academia and industry.
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The unprecedented lockdown on account of COVID-19 has affected the conventional Indian education system in many ways. The education has been imparted in different modes of online during the phases of lockdown caused by COVID-19
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The sudden outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic has led to a paradigmatic shift in our lives, perspective, and thought process. It has led us to think, to plan, to fashion our lives differently. Social distancing,
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In our day to day lives the term Children’s Literature might not carry so much of importance. But we must not forget that it is the children’s literature which had shaped us into who we
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Introduction: According to the Merriam-Webster English Dictionary a machine is “An assemblage of parts that transmits forces, motion, or energy from one to another in a predetermined manner”. But this deals with the macroscopic part
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Student contributors: Rudranil Samantha and Rumale Das (B. Tech Biotechnology) The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a challenging situation all over the globe. From health to the economy, everything has been massively affected by
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Blended Education using EdTech is the Future
by Prof. Ujjwal K Chowdhury
on July 30, 2020
If demonetization leapfrogged fintech, lockdown has tremendously pushed edtech ahead. We have come to a time when blended learning delivered phygitally (physical and digital together) has come to stay. Beyond the complete lockdown phase when
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The COVID-19 crisis has jolted the global economy with a pervasive impact on almost all sectors. It has triggered the announcement of a lockdown by several nations in an attempt to arrest the transmission risk
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COVID-19 has had irrefutable and despicable consequences on people’s lives and the economy. It seems to have changed our lives forever. Hopelessness is evident with sickness, death and unemployment rates soaring almost everywhere around the