Introduction: “The world is going through a period of crisis, but whether we look at it as a crisis or as an opportunity to reshape our thinking, depends on us. So use this period as
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Advanced technology play an important role in helping humans in containing the spread of virus and handling the existing cases during global fight against COVID-19.Robotics is one of the advanced technology which became very popular
Introduction: COVID-19 has a direct effect on human health. But how much passive effect it has over the entire world? The effect of COVID-19 led the entire world in a state of lockdown. For the
Introduction: DNA field effect transistor (DNAFET) and RNA field effect transistor (RNAFET) are very useful semiconductor devices for detection of DNA and RNA viruses respectively. Sometime these electronic devices are known as BioFET. Using DNAFET
The genome of Additive manufacturing have strengthen the Society in terms of converting ideas into products, ready to be practically launched within a very short span of time. The Manufacturing sector is reinvigorating in terms