The ideal role of justice delivery system is to resolve the dispute between the parties permanently, amicably and in a manner by which both the parties or all the parties to the dispute enjoy win-win
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Curfew has its origin in an old French word. The order given by the authority to the people was to extinguish fire at a particular time of evening which was to cover the fire. Originally
For Centuries, cultures throughout the world have used indigenous technologies to navigate life’s complexities. From navigator-priests in Micronesia to mystics in India, vast sums of knowledge are available if we but recognize it. -Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani
It is now known to about the novel corona virus also better known as Covid 19, with the scientific name of SARS-COV-2 which triggers acute respiratory disease. WHO has claimed Corona virus disease to be
It is now known to about the novel corona virus also better known as Covid 19, with the scientific name of SARS-COV-2 which triggers acute respiratory disease. WHO has claimed Corona virus disease to be