The answer to the question, ‘what is sociology?’ is a very simple one – the study of society. It is the subject matter that is difficult to define. Sociology as a subject includes everything under
by Madhurima Dasgupta
on June 3, 2020
The term ‘gender’ is socially constructed which involves socio-cultural attributes of masculinity and femininity. It is different from the concept of ‘sex’ which mainly involves biological difference between male and female. Gender Studies encompasses studies
National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), National Commission for Women (NCW), WHO, reports during COVID-19 illuminated about the increasing rate of domestic violence which includes women and child related domestic violence but ignored domestic violence against
The pandemic crisis has brought forth a phase of ‘new normal’ which has presented before us a plethora of social norms and social practices. This ‘new normal’ imperative has brought about major transformation in different
Digital Adda: A Paradigm Shift Among The Bengali Middle Class
by Madhurima Dasgupta
on September 15, 2020
The term ‘adda’ (as defined by Dipesh Chakraborty) signifies ‘the practice of get together of friends for long, informal and un-rigorous conversations’. Adda whch was historically a practice among the middle class Bengali men (Bhadrolok)