Why Study Theories: A Sociological Perspective
by Somdatta Mukherjee
on April 21, 2020
We already discussed why we need to study the subject sociology. You have not yet looked at it here is the link: https://adamasuniversity.ac.in/job-prospects-of-sociology-as-a-discipline/ A very important part of studying sociology is to study its theories.
COVID and/ or Corona is all around us. All of us are discussing this. Many times with fear – how we will protect ourselves and our near and dear ones from this. But many times
Impact of lockdown on street animals
by Srijan Haldar
on April 21, 2020
Student contributor: Ms. Kasturi Dan (BSc 1ST year Student, Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Science and Biotechnology). From the mouth of a street dog: “Hello everyone”, I am Kalu, or Lalu or whatever name
Students graduating from colleges and universities all over India are in a fix because of the Covid-19 lockdown as it is preventing them from completing lab work or make internship or job arrangements. Here are
The recent worldwide lockdown is not a historical change but a paradigm shift of the society from modern and post modern to hyper modernity. This ushers a fabulous global transformation in every step of human
Impact of lockdown on Digital Divide: We humans are presently surviving in Network Society (the term coined by renowned sociologist, Manual Castells) which is driven by global networking, information, knowledge, technology, competence, and surveillance. Since
করোনার দিনগুলিতে মানসিক দূরত্ব ঘুচিয়ে ফেলে আগামীর জন্য প্রস্তুতি       বর্তমান বিশ্বে করোনা এক মহামারীর চেহারা নিয়েছে। পৃথিবীর সবকটি মহাদেশে এবং প্রায় দুশোটি দেশে এই মারণ ভাইরাস ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে। ইতিমধ্যে মারা গেছে লক্ষাধিক মানুষ। স্বাস্থ্য ও
Peer Tutoring: An Alternative Strategy
by Pragyan Mohanty
on April 20, 2020
Peer tutoring as such is nothing but where a student teaches to his peer/ batch mates or to the lower class students. Teaching is a two way process where it requires someone who will study
Growing Smartphone production in India Pre-COVID-19 crisis: India has emerged as one of the global front runners in the manufacturing of smartphones since 2016. The manufacturing of smartphones in India has seen an increase by